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XTension Version 9.4.27
Released: 12/7/2019
Download: XTension v9.4.27 (build 1015) 12/7/2019
Important Info
Minimum System Version for this release is OSX 10.10
Mac OSX Catalina As of this moment I do not recommend that anyone update to OSX Catalina. Changes in Catalina have disabled several of the older plugins and the newer ones are not fully tested with it yet. As of this moment I do not recommend running Catalina on your house server. I don’t see any advantages and there are many potential issues not just with XTension. I can provide an Apple notarized DMG file of the subset of plugins that do work properly if this is something that you need. Otherwise do not update to Catalina yet for your house server.
Mac OSX Mojave has changed the requirements for scripting of other applications. You MUST force any script to run that contacts a different application when you upgrade and click “OK” when it asks for permission or your scripts will silently fail when they run later. See the Mojave Support Page for more info.
9.4.27 Change Log
- NEW: The “XTension Kit” plugin is now compatible with the XTension Wifi OneWire Temperature Sensor kit and the Raspberry Pi Rainbow Hat plugin.
- NEW: Added a “Description” field to the Edit Scheduled Event window. This is just informational for you to describe why you created the event and what it is for. It is displayed as the tool tip in the Event List window but the way they implemented that it looks pretty horrid there, not like the tool tips in other display types. I’ll be updating that eventually but thats just cosmetic. It works just fine, just isn’t pretty.
- NEW: Added an option to “Ignore logging from Video Pitcher” on the Logging tab of the Preferences window. If you have one of those cameras that continually throws errors even though the stream is displaying this will declutter your log and make it easier to see real events. This does not suppress only errors but all logging from VP so if you’re having legitimate problems with something you may have to turn it off in order to see any actually useful messages from it. This is a temporary fix that will not be necessary once the new video plugin system is complete.
- FIX: Fixed an error in the AD2USB plugin that could have caused a Zone to be shown as in a fault state even when it wasn’t. The issue had to do with parsing the display data stream output in some edge conditions when using a high numbered zone id.
- FIX: In the new TP-Link/Kasa plugin previously a color capable bulb might not honor the color information or new level being sent to it if it was currently off when you sent the new command. It would often return to it’s most recent color and level regardless of what you specified in the command from XTension. This is now fixed and the bulb will go to the level and color or color temperature that you specified from XTension.
- Am filtering more garbage characters in the edit script window that can seemingly be inserted randomly by Apple’s VNC implementation. This should fix more of the problems that folks sometimes have when editing scripts over VNC where they fail to compile but show no location for the error as it is an invisible non-printable character that was inserted either randomly or more often in response to your hitting the delete key.
- FIX: the pigpio plugin no longer throws an error when setting the value of a PWM output pin that included a ramp rate property.
- FIX: the Recycle Interface verb no longer returns an AppleScript error even though it actually worked fine and did recycle the interface.
- This version returns to the new Apple file API version that will be necessary going forward to Catalina and beyond. Apple is sure keeping me busy working on this stuff that wasn’t broken last week. On earlier OS versions there should be no visible change to how anything works but please keep an eye on things when renaming Units or Global Scripts as this was where we had problems previously. Any errors will be written to the log if this happens so please let me know if you see anything while doing that. I have been running this fix on my own systems for several weeks now without being able to duplicate any of the previous errors so I don’t believe that anyone will have any new issues with it but let me know if it does. Note that this does not make it run any better on Catalina itself. Please do NOT update your servers to Catalina yet. I continue to work towards that capability.