Set a “Smart” extended data capable X10 devices internal preset dimming level and dim the light to that level. This verb is for X10 devices and interfaces only. It will have no effect on any other device or interface type.
xpress (text) name of the Unit
[to integer] percentage 0-100
[by integer] +/- percentage 0-100
[in seconds] Creates a scheduled event to perform the command in this many seconds
[at date] creates a scheduled event to perform the command at this date
[for seconds] creates a scheduled event to return to the current level in this many more seconds
[until date] creates a scheduled event to return to the current level at this date
xpress "Foyer Lights" to 25
- specify to or by but not both.
- see also: Extended Codes
/home/e805485/machomeautomation.com/data/pages/dictionary/unitcontrol/xpress.txt · Last modified: 2023/12/20 14:50 by James Sentman