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Force Off

Forces a unit to turn off regardless of the blocking status of the unit.


force off “Bedroom Overhead”

Optional Parameters:

in (integer, creates a scheduled event to force on the unit in this many seconds)
at (date, like the in parameter, an applescript date when you would like to force off the unit)

for (integer, creates a scheduled event to force off the unit in this many seconds)
until (date, like the for parameter, an applescript date when you would like to force the unit back to the current state)

rate (integer, if supported by the device being forced OFF a ramp rate will be included in the command)

with no script (does not execute the ON script of the unit)
with no transmit (the database is updated, but no command will be sent)


--force the bedroom light off even if it's blocked
force off "bedroom overhead" for 5


This verb provides a method to turn off a device regardless of whether the device has been “blocked”.

This verb is included for logical completeness and failsafe.

This verb does not affect the blocked state of the unit.

see Turn On and Turn Off for other options

/home/e805485/ · Last modified: 2023/02/13 14:52 by