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XTension Version 9.4.31

Released: 6/16/2020

Download for Mohave and Earlier: XTension v9.4.31 (build 1022) 6/16/2020
Download for Catalina Only: XTension v9.4.31 (build 1022) for Catalina Only 6/16/2020

NOTE: the catalina download is a notarized disk image file but does not contain the entirety of the plugins as not all are updated to run on Catalina yet. See the Catalina note below or more info. Please do not use this image on a 10.14 (Mohave) or earlier version, use the non Catalina file above.

Important Info

Minimum System Version for this release is OSX 10.10

Mac OSX Catalina As of this moment I do not recommend that anyone update to OSX Catalina. Changes in Catalina have disabled several of the older plugins and the newer ones are not fully tested with it yet. As of this moment I do not recommend running Catalina on your house server. I don’t see any advantages and there are many potential issues not just with XTension. I can provide an Apple notarized DMG file of the subset of plugins that do work properly if this is something that you need. Otherwise do not update to Catalina yet for your house server.

Mac OSX Mojave has changed the requirements for scripting of other applications. You MUST force any script to run that contacts a different application when you upgrade and click “OK” when it asks for permission or your scripts will silently fail when they run later. See the Mojave Support Page for more info.

9.4.31 Change Log:

  • NEW: An alpha version of a plugin for Global Cache devices, specifically their IR transmitters. Please see the wiki article.
  • NEW: A new DIY plugin now compatible with Catalina. At the moment both the older DIY plugin and the new one are in the package but that will not always be the case. The conversion is simple and not one way, you can instantly go back to the older plugin if needed. Please see the conversion instructions on the new wiki page and let me know if you have any problems. I’m specifically interested in protocols that use a lot of binary data though I have tested it with everything I can talk to here and it is working well.
  • NEW: Verbs for screen control: Wake Screen, Keep Screen Awake, and Allow Screen To Sleep And I plan to add a verb to dim a screen as well in the next release.
  • REMOVED: the original Arduino plugin is no longer included in the package. If you are still running the older plugin please convert to the new one. If you cannot for whatever reason please drop me a note and I can send you the original plugin, or you can replace it in the XTension package from the older version. On anything prior to Catalina it will still run as before but you need to update so that I can fix any issues you might be seeing.
  • REMOVED: the original Hue plugin is no longer part of the package. Please update to the new Hue plugin.
  • REMOVED: the original barix plugin is no longer part of the package. Please update to the new Barix plugin.
  • REMOVED: the original w800 plugin is no longer part of the package. Please update to the new W800 plugin.
  • CHANGE: you can now remove the address from a pseudo unit.
  • FIX: tp-link plugin no longer starts up in debug mode, though it is still very chatty about telling you about spurious network problems.
  • FIX: mySensors interface will no longer log unknown commands as an error if you have devices that are going to sleep and waking up.
  • FIX: Fixed a memory leak in the JSON server associated with handling the request in an XTension unit script. This could cause the server to stop responding if you have a very active system and were doing a lot of processing in scripts in XTension.
  • FIX: in the WebSocket plugin the unique id of a unit is reliably sent as a string and not anymore as a number making the access the same in all places.
  • FIX: the blink verb now works for the new Hue plugin. It was previously linked only to the original plugin and would refuse to send any commands for the new plugin.
  • NEW: added several new parameters to the blink verb as well. See the Blink verb wiki entry.
  • NEW: Added the Last Error Date verb that will return the time and date of the last scripting or other error in XTension.
  • NEW: The Last Error Code, Last Error Message and Last Error Date are now saved in the database and will survive a restart.
  • FIX: Unhandled plugin errors and any output sent to the log from a plugin via stdio will be properly tagged with the interface id so that they will show up when the log is filtered for messages for that interface.
  • FIX: (plugin API) Radio buttons in plugin dynamic interfaces now properly save and restore their state in the UI.
  • FIX: the XTension Kit Plugin more reliably recovers from any networking errors and so if that happens it will keep receiving pushed updates of things like temperature readings from the devices it is connected to.
  • FIX: (plugin API) Text Fields in plugin dynamic interfaces now honor the alignment property.
  • FIX: (plugin API) implemented defaults for most plugin dynamic interface properties so that you only have to specify them if you want something other than the default making the JSON descriptor file for them smaller, easier to manage and faster to load.
  • FIX: Fixed a problem that could cause the Web Remote plugin to fail to load if you had a particularly large page setup or a particularly large database.
  • FIX: The Dark Sky plugin no longer saves every response from the server to your documents directory unless you specifically put it into debug mode. If you’re using this plugin this is an important update as it could have generated a lot of files wasting space on your drive.
  • NEW: (plugin API) new dynamic plugin element for a Text Area for multi-line entry of text data.
  • CHANGED: Many Many updates under the hood to make Catalina support easier going forward and to enable some new longer term projects that will be worth it on every level :)
  • NEW: A new contextual menu item for any unit list page that allows you to clear a unit error that is not being cleared properly by a plugin or other system.
current/previous/v9.4.31.txt · Last modified: 2023/02/13 14:52 by