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InstantX Betas

April 7th, 2009, New 3 and 4 column template betas. This version brings the 3 and 4 column versions of the template into sync and both should be working. For a general discussion of InstantX and X2Web see their homepages here I'm just going to discuss the changes that have been made.


Readme or lose your settings. To install the beta versions of InstantX over an existing configuration make sure that you preserve or save off the file entitled “_X2Web_FolderVar.x10” that you'll find inside your current InstantX folder. That is where your setup information is stored. You can move that file into this new folder, or replace the contents of your old file with these new ones as long as you make sure you dont overwrite or lose that file. Apart from that there are no configuration incompatibilities between the release version and these betas.

New and Changed modules

All the modules now are better able to resize themselves given the column that they are in and more modules are able to be placed in a small first/last column and larger inside columns.

NEW: Server Info Module

Server Info Module The server info module shows your server uptime, the amount of VM in use (not a hard code indicator of anything, but if it's going up radically over time then you may have a program that needs to be restarted due to a memory leak) as well as look after your disk drives. Though all the programs do their best to manage themselves in low disk space situations eventually you'll start loosing data if you let a drive fill up so this gives you a quick indication of how much space is in use on each of your drives. This module has no configuration page so clicking on the conf link will just bring up a page telling you there is no configuration for this module…

NEW: Toggle Unit Inline Module

inline toggle This is a new “inline” module. An iPhone style toggle that can be added to the main page to control any unit. It's part of the “Units!” module and configured via name=value pairs like this:

page=toggle&unit=lab overhead&displayname=overhead

three parameters are required:

  • page=toggle
  • unit=the name of XTension unit you'd like to control
  • displayname=the caption you'd like displayed in the unit

any number of them can be added to any column inline units module setup. It can be combined with other inline units as you see fit.

UPDATE: Video Stream Controls

New Video ControlsThe video streaming system has been updated to allow the inclusion of inline unit modules onto the streaming page. Allowing you to include ninja remote controls and any other unit controls ahead of or underneath the streaming video. So you can control lamps that are visible in the stream or display measured temps or whatever is available and pertinent to the stream. THis changes how the ninja controls are included on the page. When you hit the config link for video you're not presented with a checkbox for each stream and 2 text boxes into which you can enter configuration identical to the inline units module. name=value&name=value pairs. For example, to include the ninja controls on top of the stream as in the example image you'd do something like:

page=ninja&ninja=NINJA Driveway

with page being “ninja” and ninja=The Name of the ninja unit in XTension

control pages for other types of cameras are now more easily possible. The toggles can be included and configured with the identical settings as shown above in the discussion of the new inline toggle block.

Additionally this version contains the link to saved movie snippets. This requires that you are running and have configured the latest beta of video pitcher


/home/e805485/ · Last modified: 2023/02/13 14:52 by