=====Bitwise And===== Takes an AppleScript list containing 2 values. The values can be numbers, or they can be strings with identifiers telling XTension what kind of values they are. The return is the result of performing a bitwise AND on the 2 values. ====Usage:==== **bitwiseAnd** (list: 2 values either numbers or text with number format specifiers, see below)\\ returns number\\ ===Number Specifiers=== By using these prefixes to the number string this command can work with decimal numbers, binary numbers, hexadecimal numbers even octal numbers.\\ * “&h” to denote the following number is hex, like “&hAABBCC22" * “&b” to denote the following number is a binary string, like “&b11010011" * “&o” to denote the following number is an octal string, like “&o4522" * for decimal numbers no prefix is necessary, like “23" ====Examples:==== set myAndedValue to (bitwiseAnd {55, 95}) set myAndedValue to (bitwiseAnd {32, “&h22”}) set myAndedValue to (bitwiseAnd {“&b1101011”, “&o23”})